Dental fillings and inlays

White fillings

Composite resin fillings, still popularly known as white fillings, have taken over from the old grey, metal-amalgam fillings. They look so similar to natural teeth that they are all but invisible to the layperson, and even to some professionals.

Compared with the old, mercury-containing, metal-amalgam fillings, composite resin fillings are remedial, aesthetically pleasing and limit the spread of dental fissures.

We use the best materials currently available in dentistry for our adhesive restorations. When it comes to composite fillings, our team follows the latest procedures to ensure your smile retains its natural radiance.


Where a tooth is affected and weakened by a cavity or other, more serious defect, inlays and onlays can be used to reconstruct and stabilise it in a sustainable and natural way.

Made in a dental laboratory by a technician, they are a less invasive alternative to standard crowns.

Moreover, the technician is able to create the right contacts with the neighbouring and opposite teeth, which can often be quite difficult for the dentist to manage in the mouth itself. They can be made from gold but are usually made from aesthetically pleasing white porcelain.