Our team can provide a wide range of dental treatments. From simple routine check-ups to complex wisdom-tooth extractions, we’ve got your dental needs covered.
If you want beautiful teeth, you can rest assured that we’ll take the time to achieve the best result.
We also work with children, helping them build a relationship of trust with their dentist, so they have nothing to fear from their treatment.
The Seujet Dental Clinic offers a full range of dental treatments for all the family. We recommend regular dental check-ups and preventive care. Regular, short visits – whether for tartar removal or a basic check-up – can catch issues like small, incipient cavities and gum inflammation early and thus prevent them from developing into more serious problems requiring more complex treatment, such as root canal, dental prostheses or implants.
We have the experience to deal with everything from the most straightforward cases to the most complex, to ensure your mouth remains healthy and pain-free.
Regular dental check-ups are the cornerstone of preventive oral healthcare. How regular they need to be depends on the particular risk issues of each patient. Some require a check-up every six months, while, for others, a longer or shorter gap between check-ups is more appropriate.
Your needs are our priority and we’re here to listen to your requirements and answer your questions. Once we’ve established your medical situation, we’ll suggest the best options for fulfilling your expectations.
If necessary, as part of our clinical examinations, we’ll take low-radiation digital x-rays, as we like to be able to explain your oral health situation by showing you photographs, so that you have all the information you need when considering the various treatment options on offer.
Following your check-up, we’ll develop a treatment plan together, based on the priorities identified, and then recommend the most appropriate follow-up for your situation.
Dental hygiene
Paediatric dentistry
Emergency dental treatment