About the Cabinet Dentaire du Seujet in Geneva

Our team of experts

Our team at the Seujet Dental Clinic provides personalised dental care to ensure you enjoy the best possible oral health.

We believe in preventing ill-health, detecting problems early and keeping mouths healthy and pain-free.
We understand how important it is to have a beautiful smile that makes you feel confident.

  • You will receive top-notch care throughout your treatment.
  • We take the time to listen to and understand your dental health issues.
  • You’ll appreciate the personal touch and friendly welcome provided by our team.
  • You can make an appointment easily.
  • You’ll reap the benefits of our care and the positive effect it has on your oral health.

Our team of English, French and German-speaking clinicians is committed to providing you with an excellent standard of dental care and a comprehensive and personalised service.

Meet our team of dental experts

Our dental hygienist and dental assistants

Sylviane Riboni: dental hygienist, Mélissa Aubry, dental assistant and clinic administrator

Our clinic's philosophy

A warm and welcoming dental practice

We want the same things for our patients as we do for ourselves!’

It is this mission statement and the values associated with it that inspired the creation of the Seujet Dental Clinic in summer 2016.

We seek to ensure our clinic is a warm and welcoming place for our patients. A place where people can come with confidence and leave safe in the knowledge that they’ve done something positive for their health.

We expect our dentists and hygienists to be attentive, reassuring and thorough in caring for our patients. Practitioners who will discuss and explain things, and show our patients what they need to do. Health professionals who are motivated by and focused on individual needs.

In caring for our patients, we aim to use state-of-the-art materials and follow modern and specific procedures. Providing dental care that is comfortable and appropriate for each individual. We want every patient to have the time they need to consider, understand and take on board the information about their particular situation. We want them to leave our clinic knowing they made the right choice.

We want our patients to receive the best follow-up care, administered by responsible and committed practitioners. Communicating with our patients on a personal level and motivating them to take ownership of their oral health. Dentists who fully embrace the culture of the clinic.

We strive to use dental laboratories for our patients that share our values. Dental technicians and ceramists who understand how important their work is and the impact it can have on patients’ lives. Skilled and responsible craftspeople.

We are well aware that everyone has their own needs and preferences. We all have our own priorities. We aspire to uphold this mission statement and aim to share it with all our patients.

If dental hygiene is your priority, we'd be honoured to share that priority with you. If your oral health is not a priority but you don't intend to neglect it, we'd also like to put ourselves forward. If you're not aware that dental care should be a priority, we’re definitely there for you. We look forward to seeing you soon at the Seujet Dental Clinic.